CONFERENCE – ECRI2023 took place at Cresta Lodge Msasa in Harare from 24 to 27 October 2023, with a focus on strengthening collaboration and skills for research and innovation. The conference was inaugurated by Honourable Dr. Douglas Mombeshora, the Minister of Health and Childcare (MoHCC). Distinguished keynote speakers included the Permanent Secretary of the MoHCC, the Permanent Secretary of theMi nistry of Environment, Climate and Wildlife (MoECW), the Director of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Vice Chancellor of Bindura University of Science and Education, and the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Midlands State University. The event attracted just over 120 delegates, including policy makers, international representatives, local researchers, and early-career researchers, providing a valuable platform for knowledge sharing.
The conference featured 14 oral presentations and 26 poster presentations that covered various thematic
areas such as climate change, key populations, maternal health, and Sexual and Reproductive Health
services. Notably, Ms. Progress Chiworeka received The Frances M. Cowan Emerging Innovator Award for her groundbreaking work on analysing user costs associated with accessing HIV testing services in
rural communities of Zimbabwe. Additionally, nine PhD students presented their research progress and
benefited from insightful feedback from the well resourced audience.
The conference also included a Research Administration & Management Training Programme
(RAMP) designed to enhance the capabilities of research support professionals. Furthermore, side
events were organised, including visits to research sites in Mt. Darwin and a Mercury Project Meeting
hosted by the Ministry of Health and Childcare. These events showcased ongoing projects related to
climate change, key populations, maternal health, and SRH services.
Overall, ECRI2023 was a resounding success, highlighting research excellence and providing early career researchers with an invaluable platform to present their work, gain knowledge from peers and
experts, and establish meaningful networking connections.